Selasa, 19 November 2013

My friends Blog

Yoroshiku Minnasan (^_^)/

Here all my friends blog ^^ I divide into three category, Einstein, PBB and My Friends. I make it to save and remember my friends. Hope in the future it can still usefull and we still have connection even in internet. *CMIIW >_<

Jumat, 15 November 2013

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Habit of Japanese

Yoroshiku minna-san ^^ 
You know that japanese has many habits which different with our habit. Some are unique. You should know if you will visit that country. So I will let you to know in indonesia language because I take it from browsing of many source >_<  It's okay cause I don't know about habit of Japanese anyway^^ Happy reading.................... *CMIIW

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

#2 Edit background entry

Preciously, I have finished changed header background on this blog. Now I will try to change background posted and put many wigdet. Hopelly it can be a good preperence
Boku wa dekiru \(^_^)/

#1 making simple header

           Oh my god! So confused and difficult!! At the first time I tried change header by input image from "add gadget" but that doesnt make a good preference so I decide to change the size of image again but still doesnt make a balance. ok I shouldnt give up. now I will try to upload the image and use it from"edit html". Will it be work? Let's see